Manufacturing Magazine October 2018 | Page 32


“ For a little more than a century , our capability to create was almost fully dedicated to our engineering capabilities to innovate ”

— Vitaliano Torno , President , O-I Europe
out and provide its consumers with fresh ways to choose their brands .
“ The fundamental thing about O-I : EXPRESSIONS is it ’ s a differentiation service provided to brands but enabled by digital direct-to-print on glass . I think that there are four core benefits ; it ’ s unleashing creativity , it ’ s increasing speed to market , it ’ s a true personalisation and it ’ s sustainable ,” says Aujouannet .
“ There is unlimited creativity and you even can print images on packaging with high resolution that can even go up to 720 DPI . The unique thing about what we offer is the ability to create a 3-D print like embossing on bottles and even colour this embossing . It ’ s enabling us to provide a completely different look and feel for a bottle that starts with , potentially , a very standard shape .”