Manufacturing Magazine June 2018 | Page 24


back and be a little bit more creative in how they ’ re looking at it .”
The power of manufacturing as a base which helps bring together communities is inarguable , and probably more prominent than in most other industries . Bogrand recognises that and reckons the drive to ‘ bring manufacturing jobs back ’ to more developed countries like the US , so that they can have more control over quality , is one of the driving forces behind the 13-year high seen in the manufacturing index .
“ Many of the manufacturing plants are in small towns ,” says Bogrand . “ They ’ re not in the large towns . They ’ re out in the middle of very rural areas , and they are the bread and butter , and the heart of those areas . When plants close , it affects that community . Obviously the bottom line is always important , but there ’ s also a drive to continue to be part of a community .” Bogrand recalls a client which considered moving offshore . “ When they really did the research about the effects it was going to have on the community and their workers , they worked with the small town to make sure that they weren ’ t taking those

“ When plants close , it affects the community . Obviously the bottom line is always important , but there ’ s also a drive to continue to be part of a community ”

— Jenine Bogrand , Manufacturing Sector Lead for LaborWise , Deloitte
24 June 2018