Manufacturing Magazine June 2018 | Page 23

Deloitte ’ s Lisa Disselkamp speaks to how LaborWise provides clear metrics for labour spending remarked : “ Unlike the objective of far too many companies , manufacturing is not about a quick ‘ exit ’. It is centered on long-term value creation .”
If this is the case , why does Deloitte ’ s research indicate that labour overspend in the US is reaching such concerning proportions ? To try and find out , Manufacturing Global spoke to Jenine Bogrand , Manufacturing Sector Lead for LaborWise , Deloitte ’ s workforce analytics tool . She claims that often , when consulting with businesses in the manufacturing sector , savings of between 0.5 % and 2 % on total hourly spend are uncovered . When talking about companies which are often turning over tens and hundreds of millions of dollars , that is a lot of money .
“ I do think there ’ s a drive for more consumer goods out there , and that ’ s driving the manufacturing ,” she says . “ What I ’ m passionate about is really making sure that the manufacturing world is being creative and assessing what can they do to really bring out their efficiencies .
“ I know efficiency and worker productivity is always top of mind , but there are times that they need to step