AUSTRALIA to mention , customers with different medical requirements .”
Whether it ’ s a King Koil , Domino , Nature ’ s Rest , Health Rest , or iComfort , there are a wide range of foam and innerspring systems and constructions that appeal to every situation . Beard shared his own personal experience of having undergone a spinal fusion operation , and said that his preference was a mattress with talalay latex inside , however he acknowledged that what ’ s right for him could be wrong for the next person .
Part of providing the right mattress to the customer is being aware of advances in technology .
“ We ’ re always trying to bring new trends and new technology to the market first ,” Beard said . “ There ’ s also quite a diverse range of price as well , just as there is in cars . Just like there are different cars for different segments of the market , there are different beds for different segments of the bedding market as well .”
The company has implemented its Six Week Sleep Challenge , which is about educating people who may be sleep deprived or are not getting quite as good a night ’ s sleep as they could be . Those who participate can log in on their smartphone or computer , and input their sleep details from each night . Every week , A . H . Beard checks in on their progress and gives them new sleeping tips . Participants are currently in the third round of the sleep challenge , with the next round coming in October .
“ There ’ s a vast shortage of knowledge about sleep , but people ’ s awareness of the importance of sleep is growing ,” Beard said . “ We believe sleep is equally important as diet and exercise . If you ’ re not getting quality sleep , it will obviously affect your well-being , as well as your performance at work and in sports . It can also lead to weight gain and obesity .”
The sleep challenge isn ’ t just for people who purchase beds from A . H . Beard . Anyone can sign up , and it ’ s completely free . Beard said the company has had tremendous feedback from those who have participated , as they ’ ve played a role in improving their sleep and their lives . The next step for the Six Week Sleep Challenge is moving on to China .
www . ahbeard . com / 75