Packers Plus employee uses a manual assembling tool
We started our company with three core values : first being innovation , second being operational excellence , and third being customer intimacy ,” says Dan Themig , President and CEO at Packers Plus . When that company was formed in 2000 , it was a small startup . Today it is one of the largest companies in its industry , with nearly a thousand employees and a strong reputation for creative and progressive tooling in the oil and gas industry .
“ If you ask most people about Packers Plus and what we ’ re known for , it ’ s bringing real game changing innovation to the industry ,” says Themig . “ One of the reasons that North America now has a plentiful supply of natural gas , as well as a plentiful supply of oil , is because of some of the innovations our company has brought forward .”
With further growth in the works and new territories to work with , Packers Plus has plans to keep bringing that innovation to the industry it supports .
Growing in Houston “ One thing we believe in is being close to our customer base ,” says Marlon Leggott , Chief Production
40 September 2015