Manufacturing Magazine October 2024 | Page 61

This led Hexagon to move to a process of deciding between a best-in-class or platform solutions . Deciding on things like how security can be managed , what organisations are needed to support it , and the process of moving from a decentralised to a centralised function in an economical fashion , the company implemented a strategy of identifying and upgrading across its divisions .
“ We worked with the existing set of solutions and processes to help migrate them from where they were to our global template ,” Steve explains . “ Some of the technologies persisted because we agreed they were best of breed and capable for the new world and others we retired and introduced the replacement technologies that become our standardised solution across the globe in line with all of our other divisions at the same time .”
Partnering for a full spectrum of security Hexagon ’ s success in securing such a large organisation is partly due to its strategic partnerships with large-tech giants and smaller , specialised firms .
Steve mentions partnerships with AWS and Microsoft for broad technology needs , as well as with niche players like Darktrace , 1Password and MetaCompliance for specific security solutions .
But with so many vendors all offering several solutions , finding the right one for the best fit can prove difficult .
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