Abigail Phillips
EDITOR ’ S COMMENT Making It Through
OUR LEAD STORY THIS month tackles smart financing . As China ’ s economy contracts opportunities could arise that boost the growth of manufacturing in the west . What lessons , though , have been learned from the years of recession and offshoring , years that have seen a worrying loss of capacity ? The sector is still under stress . Manufacturing , which accounts for 12 percent of the US economy , has been under pressure from a strong dollar . Nevertheless domestic demand remains strong too , and the climate is improving monthly . Companies that do best in the lean times are those that adopt smart financial management , spread the risk through asset finance when upgrading equipment , and , wherever else they make savings , continue to invest in technology .
Construction related manufacturing is in a better position , as that industry is performing ahead of the curve both in the USA and elsewhere . A good illustration , featured this month , is an aluminium products supplier in Saudi Arabia ( where there is no lack of investment in infrastructure and new buildings ): ALUPCO is now exporting to 26 other countries .
Enjoy the Issue
Abigail Phillips
Associate Editor abigail . phillips @ wdmgroup . com