Manufacturing Magazine October 2015 | Page 20

THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY is notorious for experiencing peaks and troughs , and the current climate is fraught with obstacles . From a global skills shortage to uncertainty about the top manufacturing locations , not to mention the ever present need to update and innovate your technology , there is more need than ever to engage with your workforce to bring about stability and positive change . You may not realize it , but your organization is home to an incredibly powerful operating system already .
Think outside the realm of technology . What has the potential to engage and energize your employees , bring teams closer together , and create a high-performing workforce ?
It ’ s conversation , says Brady Wilson Conversation is the common denominator behind “ apps ” like customer service , feedback , coaching , strategy and innovation . Conversation — that is , quality , meaningful conversation between leaders and employees — powers up all the things that make a business successful .
Not sure you agree that conversation is your organization ’ s most mighty OS ? Consider what would happen without conversation . All those apps would crash — and your business would fail .
Talking heads Let ’ s go a bit more “ micro ” and look at the human brain . Conversation is , essentially , our brain ’ s OS . This is because every single message transmitted from one neuron to another enables us to see , hear , move ... and think . If all those 100 billion neurons were to stop talking to one another , our bodies and ability to process information

“ Think outside the realm of technology . What has the potential to engage and energize your employees , bring teams closer together , and create a high-performing workforce ? It ’ s conversation ”

20 O ctober 2015