Manufacturing Magazine October 2015 | Page 17

If the analytics can ’ t be practically implemented on the shop floor then it is useless
and automating the analytics .
These new technologies look at all or whatever data is available . They are can run fast within the database or parallelised ‘ in-memory ’ to handle huge amounts of data from various disparate sources . They provide multiple solutions and the results are easy to understand and action . And no hypotheses are required .
Put simply , it means that a data scientist and IT department are no longer required to solve complex , and ever-changing problems . The technology at our company for example , Warwick Analytics , has been used to solve the root causes of complex failures at Motorola ( the home of Six Sigma ) by engineers , quality and production staff . Similarly the technology is used by many leading automotive aerospace and process industry manufacturers to reduce their Cost of Poor Quality by automatically resolving issues on-the-fly and increasing yield .
Adoption and deployment of these emerging predictive analytics tools will greatly enhance the ability of firms to move quicker and more cost-effectively by making predictive analytics available to everybody across all of their manufacturing processes .