Manufacturing Magazine November 2015 | Page 60

SDI ’ s President & CEO , Andy Cvitanov , was the Master of Ceremonies at the inaugural Innovation Symposium this spring . The Innovation Symposium was a 2-day educational forum for the advancement of MRO

Disruptive innovation , compressed product life cycles and changing consumer expectations are driving companies to become more efficient . With this comes an increased focus on enterprise asset management and reliability . This has caused a shift in industry from a segmented , functional department perspective towards a fully integrated end-to-end model .

SDI is the first to develop a true end-to-end supply chain management platform that takes into consideration how MRO ( maintenance , repair and operations ) impacts the rest of the supply chain and the enterprise overall .
The evolution Traditional integrated supply simplifies purchasing and inventory practices by consolidating a company ’ s supply base through a single source , allowing the company to focus on core business activities and produce more efficient results .
While traditional integrated supply eliminates several steps in the
60 November 2015