Manufacturing Magazine November 2015 | Page 35

MANUFACTURING great strengths is our ability to constantly design , develop and provide advanced solutions for our customers . We can only remain competitive if we preserve our reliability , flexibility , knowhow and innovation in order to maintain our leadership position , and ultimately preserve the wealth and jobs we provide for Europe . In our Vision & Strategy , we identify 7 pillars to our competitiveness : safety , technology , intellectual property , global market access , people , energy , and environment & resources . FEM activities revolve around these themes .

Key Personnel

Olivier Janin Secretary General
Current legislation Since the mid-nineties and the implementation of the EU Internal Market , FEM has been increasingly involved in technical harmonisation legislation . With nearly 20 European Directives and Regulations directly applying to materials handling equipment , monitoring EU regulatory developments has become a major activity of FEM . One issue is of particular importance at the moment . Directive 97 / 68 on exhaust emissions from engines used in non-road mobile machinery is under revision . It directly affects 4 families of materials handling equipment : industrial trucks , telehandlers , mobile elevating work platforms and mobile cranes . Our sector has one specificity : none of our OEMs manufactures its own engines , which makes us completely dependent on engine manufacturers to start the redesigning process of our machines to adapt them to new
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