Manufacturing Magazine May 2015 | Page 30

Copper terminals being prepped for manufacture in a custom battery cable
& Company will be using part of that sales increase to create a scholarship fund for higher risk kids , giving them a chance to have an education as well .
“ So we ’ re going to sponsor what we hope to be , five students to go to school , who wouldn ’ t have had a chance otherwise ,” says Jordan — but don ’ t call the company heroic for making such a gesture . “ This is business !” he says . “ I want to do business with you , I want you to keep doing business with me . Maybe I think differently — but that last piece , ‘ let ’ s make a difference ,’. It ’ s really easy to say , but challenging to make happen . We have to remain focused on all three part of the equation .”
Looking Forward Mize & Company has a lot of growing to do in the coming years , and that growth has the potential to
30 May 2015