Manufacturing Magazine - June 2022 | Page 47



The technology company is working with several UK government departments , helping them to adopt new strategies to become more agile , manage their data and information , and harness new and intelligent insights .
“ This is not necessarily just manufacturing focused ,” explains Eustace . “ One of the things that we spend a lot of time doing is helping organisations understand where their personal data is and also consumer credit information . That ' s data belonging to both customers and employees . What you can do with an insight engine is get it to continuously look at all the data that an organisation holds and evaluate the risks associated with that information . Does it contain a lot of sensitive information ? Does it contain information about lots of different people ? Is there any special category of information in there , such as medical information , gender , those kinds of things ? So you might want to go and tighten up on the security controls or train people not to save that information in these locations .
“ You can extend that out as well , more specifically around manufacturing . You can use insight engines to pick up where people are making copies of product information or intellectual property rights . You ’ ll want all of your intellectual property in a very well controlled , well managed place so that it ' s not leaked .”
If a business does get into an unfortunate situation where they have a security breach of some kind and information is leaked , Eustace has some advice .
“ Understand whether any of that intellectual property was in the area that ’ s been breached . Insight engines can basically tell you where that kind of information is , so that you can proactively secure it better ,” he explains . “ Or , alternatively , if you know you ' ve lost something , it will tell you this was in this area and that ' s what you ' ve potentially had breached . The next step is to try and remedy that . I think those are probably some good risk examples .” manufacturingdigital . com 47