USA can fulfill a wide variety of needs .
Customers at Montrose Molders can choose from a broad range of services , going beyond injection molding to include tooling , part decoration , and assembly . According to Wilson and Todd Nicolay , Montrose Molders Vice President of Sales , it ’ s all of these different services combined that contribute to Montrose ’ s success .
“ A diverse offering equals success ,” mentioned by both Wilson and Vice President of Sales , Todd Nicolay , is a perfect mantra to describe part of the company ’ s philosophy toward providing
consumer satisfaction . The ability to offer customers a wide variety of options and solutions , along with providing every tool a client could possibly need for a single project all at one location , has ultimately allowed Montrose to stay relevant — even through harsh economic times .
With 51 injection molding presses that vary from 50 tons to 1000 tons , Montrose has the capability and the capacity to execute projects of a wide variety of sizes and complexities . When it comes to tooling , their 50 years of experience enables them to design and build tools in a board range of industries ,
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