Manufacturing Magazine August 2015 | Page 22

TOP 10

While the opportunities for embracing IoT are incredibly exciting , it is essential that manufacturers ask the right questions from the beginning when identifying and executing an IoT strategy says Mark Lee , CCO of Intamac , an IoT enabler and innovator with over a decade of experience in this sector .

IoT is a relatively new sector where best practices around things like security are constantly evolving and certainly not widely adopted across the industry . This means manufacturers have to be extremely careful when developing their IoT strategy and selecting an IoT technology partner . Asking important questions about security , reliability and customer experience from the beginning is essential in order to avoid potentially disastrous consequences in the future .
“ A classic example is consumer products being shipped with ‘ username ’ and ‘ password ’ as the default login settings . In most cases the user won ’ t change these , either because they aren ’ t aware or because the product doesn ’ t prompt them to do so . As a result , the user is automatically vulnerable to attack and it is from small errors like these that the IoT ’ s ‘ insecure and hackable ’ reputation was born ,” explains Mark Lee , CCO of Intamac .
While Mark does acknowledge this reputation , he says that in Intamac ’ s experience , by rigorously scrutinizing your strategy and solution architecture , manufacturers are able to successfully develop and bring exciting new connected products and services to market .
Mark shares his top 10 tips for manufacturers with Manufacturing Global :
22 A ugust 2015