Manufacturing Magazine April 2024 | Page 102


In 2018 , software development company Epicor wanted to rebuild its international business after a period of heavy declining growth and attrition rates . Steve Murphy , CEO at Epicor , came to Andy Coussins to see if he was ready for a challenge . Together , they knew that they could turn the business around to deliver strong growth , with focused supporting teams who had faith in their products . Now , Coussins is the Head of Epicor ’ s International Business and the Executive Vice President .

“ My role involves heading up international teams , managing customer and partner relationships , facilitating Epicor ’ s continued growth and its expansion into emerging markets and developing economies , as well as seeing through key international acquisitions ,” he says .
Epicor is a global provider of industry-specific software which works hand-in-hand with customers in the building supply , distribution and manufacturing industries to create industry specific solutions and services designed to enable a world of better business .
“ Year after year , our customers ’ implementation of Epicor solutions has demonstrated how we can help enable them to innovate and achieve their business goals .”
Epicor ’ s products and services have proven themselves to be the backbone to overall business growth in the manufacturing and distribution sectors . The company provides leaders with vital
insight into business operations , enabling them to make better decisions faster and automating otherwise manual tasks to free up employee time - valuable to a growing company with a stretched workforce .
“ Epicor helps organisations gain actionable insights to optimise and automate their business flows and drive time-to-value ,” adds Coussins . “ It does this through its data-first strategy that
102 April 2024