but the problem remained the same : it can ’ t be solved manually . There are just not enough data scientists . Even with the huge amount of data out there , the kind of value businesses were getting out of it doesn ’ t justify the ROI ,” he says . “ So , we started saying ‘ can we create a platform that makes data science processes seamless and automated ?’ We wanted businesses to be able to leverage best practice , apply it to their problems and solve it at scale .”
Advances in machine learning With the advance in the technological capability of machine learning , Phukan and his co-founders were able to address the sheer volume of data and information available to their clients in a way that wasn ’ t possible before . Crucially , for manufacturing businesses , this meant they could also initiate a positive impact on things such as the production line .
“ For example , with things like sensors being enabled , it helps us understand at a very detailed
44 April 2018