Manufacturing Magazine April 2018 | Page 33

PEOPLE & SKILLS capabilities and gamma sterilisation . “ As a result , you can start to tag and manage information in very robust environments ,” he says . “ You can also use it to validate for counterfeit and authentication purposes .”

Butler reckons the applications for its AIP are multiplying because virtually any industry can . “ It ’ s all about the information we need to share ,” he enthuses . “ Guess what ’ s happening in the world today ? You need to start considering digitising your assets because people are not going to walk around for the next 30 years with a pad of paper and a pen to do their job . So , you have to enable that digital capability and we are that foundational element .”
It ’ s a foundational element adopted by the likes of Airbus and Boeing ( among the world ’ s top 10 OEMs ) and Honeywell to address a major pain point companies have today – the workforce has a huge knowledge base of what ’ s going on but no ability to properly share that information . “ If you ’ re at the edge and want to inform , educate and enable people to do a better , faster and more efficient job , how do you get them up to speed to share that vision and manage assets , systems and processes ?” asks Butler . “ One way to do that is to digitise information ,” he believes . “ Then you begin to incorporate their knowledge and expertise into your system and process . The reality today is that most of the data we collect is very time sensitive . If you can ’ t get that information to people the moment they need it , the value is lost . We need to deliver that information via the asset which is typically at the edge .”
Butler reveals the process starts on the manufacturing line where Tego ’ s software solution can be embedded , so as products come through , it automatically embeds thousands-times more information onto their asset than could have been done traditionally . “ It allows Airbus and Boeing to better assemble their aircraft and provide that information to the airline ,” says Butler . “ We ’ re enabling them to create that initial birth record , which aids maintenance as the same software in the back-end allows the airline to do any updates and have the ability to read and write to manage information for the next 10 , 20 , 30 years . This enables more efficient basic MRO of products travelling on a daily basis – whether it ’ s seats ,